With Terrorism And Other Crimes, Chicago’s FBI Struggles to Find Resources to Combat Violent Crime in Chicago

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com As the FBI’s Chicago office continues to make terrorism a top priority, the bureau is facing pressure to help quell violence in Chicago, the Chicago Tribune reports. But Robert Holley, the special agent in charge in Chicago, said his office lacks the staff to adequately combat violent crime. In addition to terrorism,…

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FBI Agents Association: Looming Cuts Will Make It More Difficult to Fight Crime, Terrorism

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Budget cuts are going to have a big impact on the FBI’s ability to fight crime and terrorism, according to a group that represents 12,000 active and former special agents, Govexec.com reports. The FBI Agents Association warned at a press conference Wednesday of the effects of looming furloughs, an ongoing hiring freeze…

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Ex-Prosecutor Convertino Fails Again to Get Detroit Reporter to Disclose Sources

By Allan Lengel Deadline Detroit DETROIT –– Ex-federal prosecutor Richard Convertino has once again failed in his bid to get ex-Detroit Free Press reporter David Ashenfelter to disclose his sources. U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland ruled Monday that Ashenfelter, who recently retired from the Free Press, had the right to invoke his Fifth Amendment privileges,…

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Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Nominee Faces Tough Questions During Hearing

Steve Neavling ticklethewire.com Jeh Johnson is about to be in the crosshairs of combative Republican senators. President Obama’s pick for Homeland Security secretary will soon face a confirmation hearing in which he’ll likely be grilled over his role in drone strikes, the National Journal reports. Johnson also faces tough questions about immigration, terrorism and Guantanamo…

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