Was FBI’s Disinterest in NY Terror Case an Indicator That It May Have Been Overblown?

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Did police, district attorneys and Mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg inflate the importance of a recent terror suspect arrest?  A New York magazine report suggests that was possibility. Police Commissioner Ray Kelly, Manhattan district attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., and Mayor Bloomberg announced the arrest of Jose Pimentel at a city hall news…

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US, UK Security Directives Clash Over London Olympics; FBI Plans to Send 500 Agents

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Expressing deep unease about the UK’s restricting the scope of anti-terrorism “stop and search” powers, the U.S, plans to send about 1,000 security agents to the 2012 London Olympics, which will include a contingent of about 500 FBI agent, reports Adelaide Now. “We are not equal partners in this,” said an unnamed…

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Grassley Fires Off Letter to Homeland Sec. Napolitano: Concerned About Reduced Searches for Illegals on Northern Border

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com A letter from Senator Charles Grassley representing a group of 14 Senators is asking  Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano to reconsider a policy to end routine traffic checks of buses, trains and other vehicles for illegal aliens along the United State’s northern border. “News of the lessened security will only entice…

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