FBI Agents’ Email Show Concern Over Anti-Muslim Bias in Training

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com NPR has some new coverage of the anti-Muslim bias in FBI training. The radio station has obtained real-time emails from agents in the controversial Quantico training session which indicate that some agents, distressed by what they were being taught, complained to superiors and sought council from experts. “Generally, Mohammed was portrayed…

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NYPD Counterterrorism Capabilities Rival the Feds; Dept. Has Anti-Aircraft Units

http://youtu.be/Bylhlx6jrKU OTHER STORIES OF INTEREST Rebel Flag Still Flying in Black S.C. Neighborhood (AP) Cops Object to LA Times Probe Into Pensions (Courthouse News Service)  House Judiciary Chair Questions Dual Role of Acting ATF Director (Main Justice) More Ammunition to Criticize NYPD Counterterrorism Force (Spy Talk) Judge in Cash for Kids Scheme Gets 17.5 Years…

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Head of Chicago FBI Says al-Qaida Still Obsessed With Planes; Office is Probing Mail Bombs

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com A decade later and it appears that al-Qaeda members are still trying to turn airplanes into deadly weapons. “Al-Qaida has been obsessed with airplanes, they continue to be obsessed with airplanes,” said Robert Grant, head of the Chicago FBI., according to the Chicago Sun-Times. “They want to use airplanes to kill…

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Pa. Man Who Bit 2 FBI Agents Pleads Guilty

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The Pennsylvania man who bit two FBI agents earlier this year, and tried to promote terror attacks online,  pleaded guilty Tuesday in federal court in Pittsburgh, the Associated Press reported. Emerson Begolly, 22,  pleaded guilty to using the Internet to promote terror attacks against American military and civilian targets. He posted…

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FBI Mueller’s Full Statement Before Judiciary: “FBI Has Never Faced a More Complex Threat Environment”

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III began the process on Wednesday of getting a two- year extension when he appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The Committee is considering a bill that would extend his stay two years beyond the 10-year term, which expires in September. Currently legislation limits the term…

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