TSA Screener Forced Off Restricted Area After Cops Said She Was Driving Drunk
A drunken TSA screener was forced off the road by Port Authority cops early Sunday when she was spotted driving in a restricted area
A drunken TSA screener was forced off the road by Port Authority cops early Sunday when she was spotted driving in a restricted area
Airline passengers in some states may soon need more than a driver’s license to board a plane.
As lines grow at airports during the holidays ,TSA changed its rules to allow full-body scans, USA Today reports.
A federal court judge tired to block the General Services Administration from giving TSA a new headquarters at Victory Center in Alexandria.
A registered sex offender was able to pass through airport security at Salt Lake City using a stolen boarding pass.
By Diane Black Fox News If you have followed the news headlines lately, you know that the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) – the bureaucracy responsible for ensuring the safety of our nation’s travelers – has seen better days. An internal investigation released in June found that the TSA had a stunning 96 percent failure rate…
The TSA is looking for homes for its furry companions.
A TSA inspector was driving by an accident scene when she spotted a car leaking gasoline.