The Christmas Day Flight Isn’t the Only Thing to Raise Red Flags: Things Happen Daily at U.S. Airports

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — The attempted bombing  aboard a Detroit bound plane on Christmas Day wasn’t the only incident that has raised red flags of late at U.S. airports. In fact, everyday the Transportation Security Administration deals with people trying to get guns past checkpoints or board planes with fraudulent travel documents. In…

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Senator Holding Up Vote on TSA Director Who’s an Ex-FBI Agent

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Here in the nation’s capital, there’s always someone willing to play politics, no matter the consequence. In this case, Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) is holding up President Obama’s nomination of Erroll Southers, a former FBI agent, to head the Transportation Security Administration over a union issue, McClatchy newspapers reported….

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Column: Ex-TSA Official Says Document Scandal “Not The Worst Breach of Security Since 9/11”

Ellen Howe served as Assistant Administrator for Strategic Communications & Public Affairs at the Transportation Security Administration from March 2006 until January 2009. By Ellen Howe Security DeBrief Certainly the posting of the Transportation Security Administration’s screening procedures on the Internet was not the agency’s finest hour, but it was not the worst breach of…

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Oooops! Transportation Security Administration Accidentally Reveals Airport Security Secrets

It’s never a good thing when an agency which is part of the Department of Homeland Security — emphasis on Security — makes such a goof. Someone needs to pay closer attention. By Spencer S. Hsu and Carrie Johnson Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — The Transportation Security Administration inadvertently revealed closely guarded secrets related…

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Shape Up! TSA to Install 150 Machines at Airports that See Through Clothing

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON— Ok, here’s another reason to stay in shape and stop hiding behind those baggy clothes.  More airport screeners are about to acquire Superman powers. USA Today reports that Homeland Security’s Transportation Security Administration plans to install 150 security machines at airport checkpoints that will let screeners peek under passengers’ clothes….

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