Ex-ATF Agent Gets 21 Months

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com A former Oklahoma ATF Agent was sentenced to 21 months in prison on Tuesday for helping Tulsa police falsify evidence against suspected drug dealers, reports KCBD. Brandon McFadden was a Lubbock, Okla. police officer before becoming and ATF agents. He pleaeded guilty to the charges last year and had been living…

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Column: If Congress Extends FBI Dir. Mueller’s Term, Let’s Not Do it Again For Anyone Else

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON –– I have mixed feelings about the White House proposal to have FBI Director Robert S. Mueller III stay two years more beyond his 10-year term, which expires in September. The opinions of newspaper editorial boards around the country reflect my ambivalence. All recognize the need for continuity in such…

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