Ex-Az U.S. Atty Drops Family of Slain Border Agent, Citing Govt. Attempts to Link Him to Gun Walking Cases

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com The overspill from ATF’s Operation Fast and Furious is touching plenty folks. The lastest: Former U.S. Attorney Paul Charlton, who has been representing the family of Brian Terry, the border patrol agent in Arizona who was killed by gunfire last December. The family has been considering legal action against the government…

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Ex-Fed Prosecutor Assigned Rare Anonymous Jury in His Murder Trial

By Danny Fenster ticklethewire.com Ticklethewire.com has reported preveiously on Paul Bergrin, the “swaggering ex-federal prosecutor … who authorites say became the go-to defense attorney for Newark street gangs.” Bergin “dodged one bullet” in charges of running an escort service of a client of his previously, receiving a sentence of time served. But now the fed…

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