Obama Nominates 4 U.S. Attorneys Including One Whose Father is in Prison

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — President Obama on Friday nominated  four U.S. Attorneys including Nicholas Klinefeldt, whose father is in  prison. Klinefeldt, the U.S. Attorney nominee for the Southern District of Iowa, has a father serving a 10-year sentence for a methamphetamine conviction. The story of his possible nomination and his father’s problems were…

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Michael Moore for U.S. Attorney? Say What?

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Michael Moore for U.S. Attorney. What’s this world coming to? Well, it’s not actually the Michael Moore of “Roger and Me” fame, the target of the right. It’s the other Michael Moore, a former Georgia state senator and a former chief assistant district attorney. He is currently a private attorney. President…

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