Long-Time U.S. Atty. Spokesman Patrick Crosby Departs to Start PR and Media Consulting Firm

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com Patrick Crosby, the quick-witted press spokesman and long-time fixture in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Atlanta, is moving on. He had been with the office for 15 years. Crosby, a former investigative reporter and anchorman, has opened a media and public relations service called GeorgiaNewsmakers.com. While in the media, he won…

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Column: Detroit U.S. Atty McQuade: “We Cannot Allow Detroit to be Defined by Homicide and Violence”

Barbara McQuade has been the U.S. Attorney in Detroit since January 2010.   By Barbara L. McQuade Detroit Free Press Guest Writer DETROIT — As the Free Press’ “Living with Murder” series has vividly illustrated, reducing homicide and violent crime in Detroit is essential to improving our quality of life. Even those who live outside…

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