Atty. General Sessions Says Adios to All the Remaining U.S. Attorneys From the Obama Administration

By Allan Lengel As always, some U.S. attorneys had hoped to dodge the bullet and stick around. But that was not meant to be. On Friday,  the Justice Department announced that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was asking all 46 remaining Obama administration U.S. attorneys across the country to submit their resignations immediately, according to…

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DEA Spokesman David Ausiello Named Assist. Director for Communication at Executive Office for U.S. Attorneys

By Allan Lengel DEA Public Affairs Specialist David Ausiello is making a switch. Ausiello has been named Assistant Director for Communication and Law Enforcement Coordination at the Executive Office for the U.S. Attorneys. “Staying in the DOJ family…but moving up, over, and out,” Ausiello said in an email to members of the media on…

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GAO Report Finds U.S. Attorneys Declined 50% of Cases in Indian Country

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — A government report found that U.S. Attorney’s Offices declined 50 percent of the cases from American Indian reservations from 2005-2009, the Associated Press reported. The Government Accountability Office report found that Federal prosecutors resolved 9,000 of the 10,000 cases they got during that period. Half were declined for prosecution…

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Former U.S. Attorneys in Republican Party Victorious in Penn., Wyoming, Arkansas

By Allan Lengel Former U.S. Attorneys from the Republican party sailed to victory Tuesday in Pennsylvania, Wyoming and Arkansas in an election that appeared to be a resounding referendum on the Obama administration. Pennsylvania Attorney General Tom Corbett, a former U.S. Attorney under George H.W. Bush, won the governorship in Pennsylvania, the website Main…

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