Justice Dept. Drops Leak Probe into Warrantless Wiretaps That Earned NY Times a Pulitzer

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — Sometimes leak investigation fade into the sunset, never to be heard again. That appears to be the case with the Justice Department, which has quietly dropped the  criminal investigation into a lawyer who admitted leaking information about President George W. Bush’s top-secret warrantless wiretapping program to The New York…

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Stinging Report Says Bush White House Kept Justice Dept. Lawyers in the Dark on Warrantless Wiretaps

There’s no sugar coating the ugly truth about the way things were handled. The biting report also confirms outsiders’ suspicions that the White House undermined the Justice Department’s mission. By Carrie Johnson and Ellen Nakashima Washington Post Staff Writer WASHINGTON — The Bush White House so strictly controlled access to its warrantless eavesdropping program that…

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Appeals Court Backs Controversial Warrantless Wiretaps

Here’s a ruling bound to stir more controversy. Will things change in the Obama administration? By Del Quentin Wilber and R. Jeffrey Smith Washington Post Staff Writers WASHINGTON — A special federal appeals court yesterday released a rare declassified opinion that backed the government’s authority to intercept international phone conversations and e-mails from U.S. soil…

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