Washington Post: Justice Department Report Proves Racial Bias in Ferguson

By Washington Post Editorial Board The Justice Department said two things about Ferguson, Mo., last week, both of which should make Americans uncomfortable. First, federal officials announced that they did not have evidence showing that police officer Darren Wilson used unreasonable force when he shot African American teenager Michael Brown. Second, the department found that there is a lot…

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Washington Post Editorial: GOP Flirts with Disaster by Threatening Homeland Security Funding

By Washington Post Editorial Board How far will Republicans in Congress take their reckless flirtation with undermining government this time? Will they, as seems increasingly likely, fail to pass a bill that the president can sign ensuring adequate funding for the Department of Homeland Security and its 280,000 employees before the agency’s support expires Feb….

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Washington Post Columnist: Homeland Security Fails to Protect Buildings from Cyber Attacks

By Josh Hicks Washington Post Federal buildings are unprepared for potential cyber attacks on their security systems, elevators, heating and cooling networks and other critical operations because the Department of Homeland Security doesn’t have a handle on the risks. At stake are thousands of vulnerable facilities, including the offices of federal employees and structures that house high-risk items such as drugs and…

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First-Amendment Lawyer: AG Eric Holder Has Some Wrongs to Correct Before Leaving

By David A. Schulz For Washington Post As Eric Holder reflects on his six years as attorney general, one disturbing aspect of his legacy should give him significant pause. On Holder’s watch, legal protections traditionally afforded to communications between reporters and sources have been torn down, potentially damaging for years to come the media’s ability…

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Column: Suburban Detroit’s Phantom Shooter Triggers Memories of My Days in D.C. and the Beltway Snipers

By Allan Lengel For Deadline Detroit DETROIT –– A week ago, Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard in suburban Detroit spoke about some crazed person who’s been going around shooting at cars. What struck a chord with me in particular is what he said about D.C. : “We don’t want anything to develop that certainly developed…

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