Gov. Chris Christie/state photo

Ex-U.S. Attorney Chris Christie Routinely Exceeded Hotel Costs at Taxpayer Expense, IG Report Finds

By Allan Lengel As a U.S. Attorney in New Jersey who crusaded against corruption, Chris Christie — now the New Jersey governor —  routinely stayed in expensive hotels at taxpayer expense, far exceeding the government allowance, according to a Justice Department Inspector General report released Monday. The report, which looked at the travel of…

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Atty. Gen. Holder Honors 303 Justice Dept. Employees

By Allan Lengel WASHINGTON — Attorney General Eric Holder recognized a whole lot of Justice Department employees — 303 to be exact — at the 58th Annual Attorney General Awards Ceremony here on Wednesday. Additionally, 55 others outside the department were honored. The Attorney General’s Award for Exceptional Service—the department’s highest award— went to…

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