Ex-Federal Prosecutor Publishes 5th Novel, This Time About a Rape on a Prestigious Michigan College Campus

Allison Leotta By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com For 12 years, Allison Leotta, a Detroit area native and Michigan State University grad, worked as a prosecutor in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Washington, dealing with sex crimes and domestic violence. These days, she’s a novelist, who writes with authority on crime. Once described in the Providence Journal…

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Matt Gorham Named Special Agent in Charge of Counterterrorism at the Washington Field Office

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com  Matt Gorham, deputy assistant director for the Critical Incident Response Group for the FBI, has been named special agent in charge of the Counterterrorism Division at the bureau’s Washington Field Office. Gorham joined the FBI in 1995 and was first assigned to the Pittsburgh Division, where he worked a variety of…

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