Ex-CIA Officer Defends Waterboarding

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Ex-CIA Spy Retracts Statement About Waterboarding

By Allan Lengel ticklethewire.com WASHINGTON — There’s no shortage of B.S. in this town. Enter John Kiriakou, the former CIA operative. Reporter Jeff Stein has penned an article in Foreign Policy magazine saying that Kiriakou’s claim that waterboarding quickly unloosed the tongues of hard-core terrorists was simply misleading. Stein writes that “Kiriakou, a 15-year veteran…

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Government Psychologists Told Bush Folks Waterboarding al Qaeda Was 100% Effective

Even though we’ve heard over time that waterboarding may not always net accurate information, government psychologists gave it a hearty endorsement. That may have been what the administration needed to hear before using it. By Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball Newsweek WASHINGTON — The Bush administration approved the use of “waterboarding” on Al Qaeda detainees…

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