Tensions Grow Between FBI and Nigerian Law Enforcement

By Danny Fenster

Tensions seem to be heating up between African authorities and the FBI, reports Afrigque en ligne.

Nigerian police and the State Security Service say they feel sidelined by FBI agents’ investigation of the recent UN-building bombing in the nation’s capital Abuja. Though security and intelligence agents in Nigeria said they felt “embarrassed and ridiculed” by the bombing, they said the FBI were bound to find little “due to the unfamiliar terrain and peculiar Nigerian environment.”

“FBI operatives and other foreign experts have been taking part in investigations into the bombings in the country from the October 1, 2010 incident to the June 16, 2011 Force Headquarters blast. Yet, they have not been able to provide any useful lead that could help us to apprehend the masterminds,’ said a local paper.

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