Terrorist Behind U.S. Embassy Bombings in 1998 in Africa is Killed

fbi photo
By Allan Lengel

He escaped the long reach of the U.S. for 13 years. He was on the FBI’s Top Ten Terrorist List.  And there was a $5 million reward for his capture.

Last week, a bullet ended all of that.

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, the organizer of the 1998 terrorist bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, was shot and killed Wednesday after refusing to stop at a government checkpoint in Mogadishu, the London Guardian reported.

The paper said Mohammed,37, was fluent in five languages and was “adept at disguise.”

“He also used his expertise in finance and logistics to assist al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), whose recent successes in Yemen contrast with the reverses suffered by the franchise elsewhere,” the paper wrote.

The paper reported that Mohammed was military commander of al-Shabab, a militia group vying for power in Somalia.

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