Texas Republican Sen. Cornyn Vows to Block U.S. Atty Pick if He Doesn’t Get His Way

As I’ve said many times, there has to be a way to tone down the politics in the selection of U.S. Attorneys. The mess during the Bush years should have been enough to spark some type of reform, and put in place some safeguards to make sure no one is removed for political reasons. Apparently it’s going to take more. Here’s the latest spat down Texas between the Dems and Republicans.

Sen John Cornyn/official photo
Sen John Cornyn/official photo

The Dallas Morning News

Sen. John Cornyn said Thursday that he would block anyone except Sarah Saldana as the next U.S. attorney for North Texas, setting in motion a showdown with Democrats who have other contenders in mind.

Saldana, an assistant U.S. Attorney who leads the fraud and public corruption division in the Dallas-based Northern District, was picked by Cornyn and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison after they interviewed a string of candidates. Saldana and others were also evaluated by a bipartisan committee of legal experts appointed by the Republican senators, Cornyn said.

“It’s the president’s prerogative to nominate anybody he wants,” Cornyn said. “But it’s the prerogative of the Senate to decide whether those individuals will be confirmed.”

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