Texas U.S. Atty. Johnny Sutton Departing April 19

U.S. Atty. Johnny Sutton
U.S. Atty. Johnny Sutton

Allan Lengel

U.S. Atty. Johnny Sutton of the Western District of Texas,who found himself embroiled in controversy when he prosecuted two border patrol agents, has scheduled a press conference for Tuesday to discuss his 7 1/2 year tenure. His last day is April 19.

Sutton, who oversaw an office of 140 attorneys, assumed the post in November 2001. During his tenure his office prosecuted a number of high profile cases and won convictions of a former Texas Attorney General and two San Antonio City Council members.

A press release said his office  led the nation each year in the number of drug prosecutions and was second in the nation in the number of illegal alien cases prosecuted.

Conservatives were angry at Sutton for convicting two Border Patrol agents, who covered up the shooting of an unarmed drug smuggler near El Paso. The agents,  Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean, were convicted of shooting the dealer and later lying about it. They got 10 year sentences.

President Bush, responding to cries for their freedom, commuted their sentences in January.

Afterwards, in a carefully worded statement, Sutton  praised Pres. Bush for cutting the sentences, but upholding the conviction.

“Today, the President exercised his power under the Constitution to grant executive clemency to former Border Patrol Agents Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos,” Sutton said in the statement. “Like the trial judge and the court that reviewed the cases on appeal, President Bush found that Compean and Ramos were justly convicted of serious crimes and that their status as convicted felons should remain in place.”

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