The 23rd Anniversary Involving the Arrest of Luchese Mafia Boss Comes and Goes

Vittorio (Vic) Amuso, (Gang Land News Photo)
By Allan Lengel

As anniversaries go, July 28 came and went with little notice.

But Jerry Capeci, a mob expert who runs Gang Land News, noted in a story that the date marked the 23d anniversary of the day “when two young FBI agents standing at a shopping mall outside of Scranton, Pennsylvania made one of the great collars in mob history.”

“The target was Vittorio (Vic) Amuso, the fugitive boss of the Luchese crime family who had been on the lam for more than a year,” Capeci writes.

Now, Capeci writes that the 79-year-old wiseguy has been locked up ever since, but remains  the undisputed boss of his crime family.

 Gang Land News is a paid subscription news site, but well worth it.

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