The Bernie Madoff Brand Name Wearing Thin

Bernie Madoff
Bernie Madoff
By Allan Lengel

The Bernie Madoff brand is wearing thin.

The Regis College in Weston, Mass., held an auction on Sunday and sold four of Madoff’s belongings for a total of $2,025, the Boston Globe reported.

The paper reported that most bidders could have cared less who had owned the items; they simply wanted the items.

“It’s a Bvlgari necklace, and it’s gold,”  Issac Shapiro, a 36-year-old art dealer who does business in Russia said, according to the Globe, which reported that eh paid $1,250 for the piece, and also paid $400 for a sterling silver bracelet.

“I just buy for resale value,” Shapiro said. “I don’t think it will make a big difference.”

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