The “Good Old Days” of Law Enforcement

Ross Parker was chief of the criminal division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Detroit for 8 years and worked as an AUSA for 28 in that office.
By Ross Parker
In a recent conversation in a Detroit watering hole in metro Detroit with past and present federal agents, the stories of the “good old days” sounded more like the ”bad young days.” The waitresses were, no doubt, rolling their eyes at our stories of how tough we had it compared to today’s incoming generation of law enforcement officers.

Well, thanks to Justin in Ft. Worth, a stellar example of Detroit federal agent alums, we can have some historical perspective in this recruitment poster for English policemen in 1839.

Walk 20 miles a day, 7 days a week in 12 hour shifts, with one unpaid holiday per year? Most of the guys I worked with could perhaps have handled such rigors. But—no talking to women and no sitting in public houses—that would have required a level of dedication beyond the ability of most of us.


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