The Homeland Security Department Stands to Lose $3.2 billion Because of Sequestration

Steve Neavling

If sequestration cuts aren’t restored, they will cost the Homeland Security Department about $3.2 billion this fiscal year, Fierce Homeland Security reports.

To make up for the lost money, the department, which reached 10 years old March 1, would need to cut more than 5% across the board.

Other federal agencies face big losses. Customs and Border Protection is set to lose $595 million, while ICE cuts could total $295 million.

“Sequestration would roll back border security, increase wait times at our Nation’s land ports of entry and airports, affect aviation and maritime safety and security, leave critical infrastructure vulnerable to attacks, hamper disaster response time and our Surge Force capabilities, and significantly scale back cyber security infrastructure protections that have been developed in recent years,” Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano wrote in a letter to the House Homeland Security Committee.

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