The Job Market May Suck But There’s a “Hiring Blitz” at the FBI With About 3,000 Job Openings

By Allan Lengel
WASHINGTON — In these gloomy days of cutbacks and layoffs and what not, it may sound a bit strange to hear an organization announcing a “Hiring Blitz”.
Well, those are the words being bandied about at the FBI these days.
The agency announced a “Hiring Blitz” Monday to fill more than 2,100 professional staff vacant positions which includes everything from auto mechanics to language specialists and nursing and counseling professionals.
On top of that, the agency plans to fill about 850 FBI agent jobs, most of which were vacant as a result of attrition, the agency said.
The agency said Monday that it needs to maintain a certain number of employees. It said the jobs need to be filled by the end of the fiscal year, which is Sept. 30.
Aside from the agent jobs, the FBI  said it has openings for the followings posts: administrative/clerical, automotive mechanic, compliance and quality assurance professionals, electronic technicians, engineering professionals, fingerprint examiners, general education and training professionals, finance/accounting/budget analysis professionals, IT/computer science professionals, intelligence/analytical professionals, language specialists, management and program analysis, nursing and counseling professionals, physical/natural/social science professionals, records management professionals, security professionals, physical surveillance professionals and human resources professionals.
The agency said it has special needs for people with skills in such languages as Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Hebrew, Hindi, Japanese, Korean, Pashto, Punjabi, Russian, Spanish, Urdu, Somali and Vietnamese.
Anyone interested in applying for these jobs should go online at

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