The Latest Shakeups in The Justice Department Reporter Ranks

Carrie Jonnson/facebook
Carrie Johnson/facebook
By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — The game of musical chairs continues for reporters covering the Justice Department in Washington.

The Washington Post’s Carrie Johnson is leaving  the paper Tuesday to cover the Justice Department for National Public Radio. She says she hasn’t done radio before.

“It will be a new adventure,” she told She replaces Ari Shapiro,  who has been assigned to  cover the White House for NPR. No replacement has been named for Johnson over at the Post.

In other changes of late, Josh Meyer, the Justice Department reporter for the Los Angeles Times, quit in January to take a job at Northwestern University. He is  co-director of  Medill School of Journalism’s education and outreach for the National Security Journalism Initiative in Washington.  The program is designed to improve education and training in national security reporting for students and professionals. Meyer has been replaced at the LA Times by Richard A. Serrano.


Josh Meyer/university photo
Josh Meyer/university photo

At the New York Times, seasoned reporters Neil Lewis and David Johnston, who covered Justice Department issues, recently took buyouts. And Eric Lichtblau, who had covered Justice Department issues, now covers the lobbying, money and influence beat. Charlie Savage is now the Times’ Justice reporter.

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