They’re Baaack! The Folks From the 9/11 Commission Are Back to Nudge Congress and Obama

The 9/11 report was an important document which laid out a lot constructive ideas. Someone needs to keep hammering away and reminding the administration how important it is to implement those recommendations. Let’s not wait for the next disaster.

By Chris Battle
Security DeBrief Blog

Chris Battle

Chris Battle

WASHINGTON — Just as they did under the old and more urgent-sounding moniker of the “9/11 Commission,” and then again under the less-urgent and more bureaucratic-sounding “9/11 Public Discourse Project,” Lee Hamilton and Thomas Kean are back on the national scene, beating the drums to make sure that the nation continues to maintain a focus on homeland security and evolve it security capabilities.

Today, they are doing it under the auspices of the “National Security Preparedness Group (NSPG).” Which kind of sounds like some internal working group at the Chamber of Commerce or a new lobbying firm in Washington. No matter, it’s an important job, and since the White House and Congress aren’t doing it, somebody has to keep an eye on domestic security.

The 9/11 Commission was the most venerable of various independent and bipartisan ad hoc groups put together to assess what went wrong in the wake of the September 11th attacks.

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