WASHINGTON — Thomas J. Browne, former head of the Little Rock FBI office, has been named assistant director of the agency’s Training Division.
In his new assignment, Browne will be responsible for all FBI training programs, including the new agent and intelligence analyst training programs, and the National Academy, which trains federal, state, local and international police executives.
Browne entered the FBI in August 1985 and was first assigned to Las Vegas, where he investigated white collar crime.
In April 1990, he headed east to the Newark Field Office and subsequently went to the Franklin Township Resident Agency and investigated organized crime and white collar crime. He was the case agent in a high-profile case involving a corrupt prosecutor.
In July 1996, he was off to headquarters where he served in the Financial Crimes Section of the Criminal Investigative Division.
Two years later, he transferred to the Knoxville Field Office, Johnson City RA, as a senior supervisory resident agent.
Browne also served as the acting assistant special agent in charge on a number of occasions, and as Domestic Terrorism Program coordinator.
In June 2007, he entered the Senior Executive Service ranks and served as section chief of the Intelligence, N-DEx, and Global Operations Section, Criminal Justice Information Services Division (CJIS), in Clarksburg, W. Virginia.
In May 2008, he became the special agent in charge of the Little Rock Field office.
About two years later, he was promoted to deputy assistant director of the Training Division. He has a law degree from Duquesne University in Pennsylvania in 1985.