By Steve Neavling
Late-night hosts had fun with the disclosure of a secretly recorded conversation between Trump attorney Michael Cohen and the president over hush payments to a Playboy playmate.
“Ever since Vladimir Putin annexed Trump’s balls in Helsinki, President Trump has been having a rough time back home,” Comedy Central’s Trevor Noah said. “Half of America thinks he acted treasonous with Putin, some Republicans say he’s being manipulated, and last week Paul Ryan furrowed his brow extra hard, so you know he means business.”
Noah described the tapes as “the perfect audiobook for America’s road trip to hell”.
“At this point, it would be weirder if Russia didn’t have blackmail material on Trump, because everyone seems to have blackmail material on President Trump,” Noah said. “Michael Cohen has tapes, Access Hollywood has tapes, Howard Stern has tapes. Even Eric has tapes: his most prized possession is a voicemail his dad left him during a butt dial.”
Still reeling from Putin’s historic annexation of his balls, Trump decides to go on an all-caps Twitter tirade against Iran.
— The Daily Show (@TheDailyShow) July 24, 2018
Stephen Colbert also got in on the action, launching into 12 Days of Christmas after saying, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael “Avenatti was right, because today it was revealed the feds actually have 12 Michael Cohen audio recordings.”