By Allan Lengel
In a tweet the other day, President Donald Trump suggested fired FBI Director James Comey be careful about leaking information to the press because he just might have tape recordings.
Well, Comey has appeared to do one better: He apparently has notes of conversations with the president, and Aaron Blake of the Washington Post writes “that should make Trump very worried.”
The Post that Comey has notes indicating that Trump had asked him to close the investigation into Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael Flynn. The White House is denying the account.
Blake writes:
But the possible existence of a trove of Comey memos may be the real story here. Comey is known to be a pretty meticulous keeper of notes, and CNN’s Jake Tapper just reported that Comey kept extensive notes of his conversations with Trump for the precise reason that they made him uneasy — presumably because of Trump making requests such as the Flynn one that crossed a line for Comey.
And the reason Trump tweeted what he did about Comey four days ago is because the New York Times had just reported Trump sought a loyalty pledge from Comey at a dinner shortly after Trump’s inauguration. It’s difficult not to presume that Comey has notes about this meeting, too.