By Steve Neavling
A predictably defiant President Trump on Friday claimed “total and complete vindication” in the wake of former FBI Director James Comey’s testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee, despite damning revelations that shocked both of Republicans and Democrats.
The president, whom Comey repeatedly called a liar during the blockbuster hearing, borrowed the rhetoric he uses to discredit the media.
“Despite so many false statements and lies, total and complete vindication…and WOW, Comey is a leaker!” Trump tweeted Friday morning.
While it’s impossible to know whether Trump really believes the hearing went in his favor, many legal and intelligence experts said Comey built a strong case that the president was trying to stop the investigation of former national security adviser Michael Flynn, which could be considered obstruction of justice.
Trump’s personal lawyer, Marc Kasowitz, was quick to appoint out that Comey confirmed Trump was not under investigation for possibly colliding with Russia.
But Comey was more nuanced on this issue, saying the FBI was scrutinizing Trump’s actions, which were within “the scope” of the bureau’s investigation.
Comey also raised the explosive allegation that Trump urged him to drop the investigation of Flynn.
Whatever the case, Comey leveled serious allegations against the president, which most likely will be investigated by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, also a former FBI director.