Trump Says He Hasn’t Decided Whether to Ask FBI Director Comey to Resign

FBI Director James Comey
FBI Director James Comey

By Steve Neavling

President-elect Donald Trump said he has not decided yet whether he’ll ask for FBI Director James Comey’s resignation.

“I think that I would rather not comment on that yet,” Trump said in an interview with CBS’ “60 Minutes” Sunday. “I haven’t made up my mind. I respect him a lot. I respect the FBI a lot. … There’s been a lot of leaking, there’s no question about that. But I would certainly like to talk to him.”

Trump also said he was unsure whether he will pursue his campaign pledge to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.

Clinton “did some bad things,” Trump said, adding he’s “going to think about” whether to pursue charges against her.

“I don’t want to hurt them,” President-elect Trump said of the Clintons. “They’re good people. I don’t want to hurt them. And I will give you a very, very good and definitive answer the next time we do ’60 Minutes’ together.”

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