Trump Once Again Singles Out NBC Reporter Who Needed Secret Service Protection

donald trump rallyBy Steve Neavling

Donald Trump verbally attacked NBC reporter Katy Tur during a campaign rally for the third time this election season, even after the Secret Service had to protect her from violence by fans of the GOP nominee.

During a rally in Miami on Wednesday, Trump blasted the media once again and then narrowed his focus to Tur, who has been reporting on the GOP nominee side his presidential bid last summer, the New York Daily News reports. 

“We have massive crowds, there’s something happening. They’re not reporting it. Katy, you’re not reporting it, Katy,” he leered, pointing at Tur who was standing on a press riser. “But there’s something happening, Katy. There’s something happening, Katy.”

The Daily News wrote:

Trump’s ostensible vendetta against Tur started last December when he called her a “third-rate journalist” during a campaign rally, prompting the crowd to hurl loud insults at the 33-year-old reporter. Trump was then back at it again during a July press conference when he bluntly told Tur to “be quiet” after she tried to ask him a question.

Tur wrote an essay in April describing how Secret Service had taken steps to protect her after Trump’s initial outburst.

“It’s unlikely that any of Trump’s future attacks will be as scary as what happened in Mount Pleasant (in December), where the crowd, feeding off Trump, seemed to turn on me like a large animal, angry and unchained,” she wrote in the Marie Claire essay. “It wasn’t until hours later, when Secret Service took the extraordinary step of walking me to my car, that the incident sank in.”

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