Trump Tweets FBI Is ‘TAINTED’ Because Salacious Dossier Is Unsubstantiated

Donald Trump

By Steve Neavling

The salacious dossier that claims Donald Trump and Russia may have colluded to undermine Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign remain unsubstantiated, Deputy Director Andrew McCabe testified before Congress last week.

Trump and conservative lawmakers are pouncing on McCabe’s testimony to suggest the FBI’s top ranks are biased against the president and are bent on bringing him down.

The dossier was funded by the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign.

In a tweet Tuesday morning, Trump said the dossier is “bogus” and the FBI is “TAINTED.”

But what Trump didn’t mention is that special counsel is still investigating the report and may determine it has credibility. Furthermore, the special counsel investigation has already charged four people connected to Trump without relying on the dossier. 

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