Trump Unleashed Tweetstorm

By Steve Neavling

As the special counsel investigation heats up, President Trump went on the offensive Sunday morning, unleashing an anti-FBI tweetstorm aimed at his own bureau and fired FBI Director James Comey.

Trump insisted the FBI’s reputation “is in Tatters – worst in history” following news that his former national security adviser, Michael Flynn, has agreed to cooperate with investigators after pleading guilty Friday to lying to the FBI.

But not to worry, Trump tweeted: “We will bring it back to greatness.”

The tweetstorm continued as Trump described the FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller’s team as “Tainted (no, very dishonest).”

The agent, Peter Strzok, was dismissed from Mueller’s team after learning that he had written text messages criticizing Trump and supporting Clinton.

In another tweet, Trump suggested a conspiracy was afoot: “Report: “ANTI-TRUMP FBI AGENT LED CLINTON EMAIL PROBE”  Now it all starts to make sense!”

On Monday morning, Trump called the investigation “the greatest Witch Hunt in political U.S. history.”

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