Trump’s Attorney Claims Efforts to Overturn Election Were Just ‘Aspirational’ 

Donald Trump, via Wikipedia

By Steve Neavling

Donald Trump’s attorney made the rounds on all five Sunday news shows to defend the former president, saying his actions related to the 2020 election were merely “aspirational.”

Appearing on CNN, ABC, Fox, NBC and CBS, the lawyer, John F. Lauro, sought to change the public’s opinions after Trump was charged for his role in trying to overturn the election. 

Lauro denied Trump’s tried to order his vice president, Mike Pence, to reject legitimate votes for Joe Biden in favor of false electors pledged to Trump. 

“What President Trump didn’t do is direct Vice President Pence to do anything,” Lauro said on CNN’s “State of the Union.” “He asked him in an aspirational way.” 

On NBC’s “Meet the Press,” Lauro made the same claims when asked about Trump’s call to Georgia’s secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger. During the call, Trump urged Raffensperger to “find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have” to win Georgia. 

“This was an aspirational ask,” Lauro insisted. 

Lauro also said Trump may have committed a “technical violation of the Constitution,” but that doesn’t mean he broke any criminal laws. 

Meanwhile, Trump said on his social media platform, Truth Social, that he was seeking the recusal of the federal judge overseeing the case. 

Trump also attacked special counsel Jack Smith, calling him “deranged.”

While Trump and his lawyer turn up the rhetoric, the real decisions that will impact his life will be made in a courtroom

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