Trump’s Inner Circle Isn’t in the Clear Yet — Even If Mueller Probe Comes Up Empty

Donald Trump Jr. and his dad, President Trump, via Twitter

By Allan Lengel

President Donald Trump’s children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump have taken to the airwaves of late to say they have no concerns about the outcome of the Mueller probe.

But the threat to the president, his family and aides isn’t over, even if the Mueller probe finds nothing on them, reports Darren Samuelsohn of Politico: 

Federal prosecutors in New York are examining Trump’s 2016 campaign, inauguration and businesses. Congress has given the Justice Department dozens of hearing transcripts that could contain lies told under oath. State and local prosecutors have reportedly prepped new charges that can’t be erased with a presidential pardon. And a slate of sealed indictments sit in the Washington, D.C., federal courthouse, raising the prospect that some in Trump’s circle may have already been indicted and just don’t know it.

“If anyone in Trump world is breathing easy right now, I’d say they are very foolish,” said Shanlon Wu, a defense lawyer who previously represented Trump’s former deputy campaign chairman, Rick Gates. “Even if Mueller’s report were to appear and didn’t implicate the president, all these other criminal investigations will continue. That’s not going to be the magic bullet that solves everything. I’d be very concerned if I was a lawyer or a potential target in that world right now.”


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