Trump’s Lawyers Call for Second Special Counsel to Probe DOJ, FBI Officials

Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

By Steve Neavling

President Trump’s lawyers are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to appoint a second special counsel to investigate possible conflicts of interest and other issues in the Justice Department and on the special counsel team probing the Trump campaign.

“The conflicts of interest here and the impropriety is a very serious concern,” Jay Sekulow, one of Trump’s personal lawyers, said in an interview with the Los Angeles Times. “You have to look at all of 2016 and what was going on in the Department of Justice.”

One of the concerns involves Bruce G. Ohr., a senior DOJ official who met privately with a private research firm involved in the salacious, but unconfirmed, dossier. Ohr’s wife worked for the firm, Fusion GPS.

Trump’s lawyers also cite anti-Trump text messages between two senior FBI officials who were involved in the special counsel investigation .

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