Two Guyanese men were convicted Monday in Brooklyn federal court of plotting to blow up JFK Airport by exploding fuel tanks and fuel pipelines underneath the airport, authorities said.
Following a six-week trial, the federal jury convicted Russell Defreitas, a naturalized citizen from Guyana, and Abdul Kadir. Authorities had been watching them at an early point in the plot and nothing ever materialized.
Authorities said Defreitas came up with the idea to attack JFK Airport and its fuel tanks and pipelines after working at the airport as a cargo handler.
Starting in 2006, he recruit Kadir and others to join the plot during multiple trips to Guyana and Trinidad, the FBI said.
Between trips, he conducted video surveillance of JFK Airport “and transported the footage back to Guyana to show to his co-conspirators.”
A third person has pleaded guilty in the case and a fourth faces trial.
“The defendants intended to send a message by killing Americans and destroying the New York City economy,” United States Attorney Loretta Lynch said in a statement.
“Today, the only message is that those who engage in potentially deadly plots against the United States will be stopped and punished.”