U.S Attorney in D.C. Sets High Standards for Investigations

By Del Quentin WIlber and Keith L. Alexander
Washington Post 

 When federal authorities began to investigate allegations of corruption involving prominent D.C. politicians and their campaigns last year, U.S. Attorney Ronald C. Machen Jr. took a keen interest in the probes.

Machen, the District’s top prosecutor, prodded his staff to work through weekends, demanded regular progress reports, set rigid deadlines and helped shape investigative tactics.

Although former and current prosecutors have described early friction in law enforcement circles over whether the probes would yield federal prosecutions, they said the effort paid off with recemt high-profile guilty pleas and resignations.

“I’m not sure that without Ron’s leadership that the office would have gotten where it is on these cases,” said Thomas Hibarger, who resigned last month as Machen’s chief prosecutor in federal court to join a digital risk management company. Ron really pushed us hard, rode us hard. . . . Ron is a force of nature.”

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