U.S. Atty in NY May Indict Afghan President’s Brother

afghanistan mapBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — The feds in New York are considering indicting Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s brother — a U.S. citizen who used to reside in Maryland — on tax evasion, the Washington Post reports.

The Post, which contact brother Mahmoud Karzai by phone for comment, quoted him as saying he had not been contacted by U.S. authorities and “I know myself. I’m very clean.”

The Post, quoting a source familiar with the investigation, said Mahmoud Karzai is expected to be indicted, but “The $64,000 question is when.”

Karzai, a former Baltimore restaurant owner, may face tax charges as a result of the sale of his luxury villa in the Gulf emirate in 2008, the Post reported.

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