Mexican Gang May Target U.S. Border Agents

Border fence along Juarez-El Paso border/istock photo
Border fence along Ciudad Juarez-El Paso border/istock photo

By Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON — The battle with the Mexican cartels only seems to be heating up.

USA Today reports that a Mexican gang with ties in the U.S. —  which is suspected of having a hand in murders of three people tied to the U.S. Consulate in Ciudad Juarez —  may retaliate and go after U.S. officers.

The gang, Barrio Azteca,  is known as an enforcement arm of the powerful Juarez Cartel, and was the subject of a number of raids last week by U.S. federal, state and local officers and agents in Texas and New Mexico who were looking for clues in the consulate murders.

The newspaper reported that a bulletin from the El Paso Intelligence Center urged law enforcement officials along border to wear bullet proof vests and alert family members of the threat.

The paper attributed the information to Kevin O’Keefe, intelligence division chief for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The intelligence center is made up of federal, state and local agencies.

The paper said El Paso FBI spokeswoman Andrea Simmons did not know the exact source of the threat.

“It’s certainly good to remind agents that this could be something to watch for,” Simmons said, according to USA Today.

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