Underwear Bomber Hints He Might Plead Guilty; Also Fires his Attorneys

Suspect Abdulmutallab/u.s. marhsals photo
Suspect Abdulmutallab/u.s. marhsals photo
By Allan Lengel
For AOL News

The so-called “underwear bomber” who allegedly tried to blow up a Detroit-bound plane showed up in chains today in a federal courtroom in Detroit and hinted that he might want to plead guilty to some charges, according to newspaper reports.

Nigerian national Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, 24, also fired his court-appointed attorneys, saying they weren’t representing his best interests, the reports said. He will now represent himself.

U.S. District Judge Nancy Edmunds asked Abdulmutallab a series of questions to which he responded “yes, I understand,” according to the Detroit Free Press. She told him he was making an unwise decision but said she would appoint standby lawyers if necessary, the Free Press reported.

“In my opinion, you would be far better defended by a trained lawyer then by yourself,” Edmunds told Abdulmutallab.

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