Underwear Bomber to Appear in Fed Court in Detroit

Suspect Abdulmutallab/u.s. marshals photo
Suspect Abdulmutallab/u.s. marshals photo
UPDATE,  Thurs. 2:30 p.m. — Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab made a brief appearance Thursday and said he was happy representing himself, and didn’t think it was necessary for the prosecutors to share evidence with his stand-by counsel, the Detroit News reported. The judge said she was overriding him on the sharing of evidence. A pretrial conference was set for Jan. 12.

By Allan Lengel

The Nigerian “Underwear Bomber” is scheduled to appear in court Thursday for a pretrial hearing — minus his defense team from the Federal Defenders Office that he fired.

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab will represent himself but will have his standby counsel, Anthony Chambers, in case he needs legal advice. Chambers is a former federal defender who is in private practice.

Abdulmutallab indicated recently he might be willing to plead guilty to some charges. He was arrested after trying to blow up a Detroit bound plane on Christmas day with explosives in his underwear.

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