Update on America’s 2 Wealthy Jailbirds — Bernie Madoff and Allen Stanford

jailBy Allan Lengel

WASHINGTON –– And now for a prison update on two of America’s most notable financial schemers.

Bloomberg news reports that Bernie Madoff, 71, has been transferred from the medium-security facility at the Butner Correctional Complex in North Carolina to the prison’s medical center.

Prison authorities confirmed that the move happened on Dec. 18, but did not say why.

And the Guardian of London reports that financier Allen Stanford, accused of bilking investors out of $7 billion, “has suffered a severe mental and physical deterioration and is in danger of ‘a complete nervous breakdown’ in a Texas prison, according to a psychiatrist’s report.”

“A 50-page petition to Houston’s federal court says that Stanford, 59, has lost 40lbs in weight in the last 90 days and is taking medicines for high blood pressure, depression, ulcers and an irregular heart beat,” the paper reported. “Following a violent assault by a fellow inmate three months ago, Stanford had to undergo reconstructive surgery. According to his lawyers, he has lost all feeling on the right side of his face and has been unable to read with his right eye.”

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