U.S. Atty. Patrick Fitzgerald Makes Esquire’s “The List of Men”

img_01381By Allan Lengel

Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, who has fashioned himself as a modern day Eliott Ness, finds himself this month in the company of such mega-names as Russell Crowe, the Dalai Lama, Willie Nelson, Bruce Springstein, Bill Clinton and Chris Rock.

Fitzgerald is included in Esquire’s  May issue (it’s on the stands already) in a section “The List of Men”.

Under a rather prominent photo of him, the magazine writes: “When Fitzgerald serves you, consider yourself served. He brought down Scooter Libby, Conrad Black, and then Blago. Wither thou goest, Alberto Gonzales, we all hope Fitz goes with thee.”

Another person who made the list is James Comey, who was deputy Atty. General under Atty. Gen. John Ashcroft.

Of Comey, the magazine wrote:
“This guy dove in front of the pen when Bush’s goons tried to get a hospitalized Ashcroft to reinvent the Constitution while lodged in the haze of a Versed hangover. Bush did it anyway, relegating Comey to being the best damn lawyer in Palookaville. For doing his job. Trying to tell the truth. Google him.”

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