U.S. Prosecutor in Blackwater Security Case Will Meet With Victims’ Families in Iraq

The prosecutor meeting with victims’ families sends a message that Iraqi lives matter.

New York Times
BAGHDAD –An American prosecutor working on the case against five Blackwater security guards indicted in connection with a 2007 shooting in Baghdad has arrived in Iraq and will be meeting with victims’ families this week, Iraqi officials said.
An Iraqi official familiar with the investigation said the meeting with victims’ families would take place on Saturday in a large dining center in Iraq’s National Police Headquarters, just a stone’s throw from Nisour Square, the traffic circle in Baghdad where at least 17 Iraqis were killed by private security guards working for Blackwater Worldwide
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UPDATED: 2:20 p.m. Monday

Justice Department Unseals 35-count Indictment in Blackwater Case (Washington Post)

Read Indictment

Read Guilty Plea Document For Sixth Defendant

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