Vast Majority of Americans Suspicious of Trump’s Ties to Russia

President Trump, via White House
President Trump, via White House

By Steve Neavling

A vast majority of Americans suspect President Trump tried to impede the federal investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election and possible collusion with the Republican’s campaign, according to an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll

Only 22% of Americans support Trump’s decision to fire James Comey as the FBI director.

The survey comes after Comey’s closely watched testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee last week, when he said he believed he was fired for failing to drop the investigation.

The poll found that 68% of Americans are at least moderately concerned that Trump or his campaign team coordinated with Russia to meddle in the election. About half expressed serious concern. Only about a third indicated they’re unconcerned.

Along partisan lines, the numbers are much different. Asked about their level of concern over ties with Russia, 62% of Republicans said they’re not very concerned or not at all concerned. Four in five Democrats disapprove of Trump firing Comey.

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One thought on “Vast Majority of Americans Suspicious of Trump’s Ties to Russia

  1. As a retired Federal law enforcement official, I finally had to post this. “Tickle The Wire” was a site that myself and many other members of the law enforcement community turned to for “inside” news that affected the Federal law enforcement community.
    It has become clear, however, that you have now morphed into an anti-Trump soapbox by “reporters” like Steve Neavling. Just today for example, there are no “Lead” stories about the brave men and women of the Capitol Hill Police who saved countless lives yesterday. Instead, we are being fed another steady diet of regurgitated news from MSNBC and the NY Times about how terrible Trump is.
    I’m sorry. You have lost focus of your mission. Your blind hatred for President Trump has taken you far off course. i’m done with your site and I speak for many other current and retired Federal law enforcement officers who feel the same way.
    If I wanted to read story after story about Trump, I’d read the NY Times. That’s not what I thought your mission was. Too bad. You had a good niche, now you’re just another anti-Trump rag.
    Good bye.

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