Video: Woman Says Border Patrol Threatened Her with Knife, Taser at Random Stop

Steve Neavling

Border Patrol agents threatened a woman with a Taser and knife after she questioned why she was stopped 40 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona, she claims in a video distributed by the ACLU.

U.S. citizen Clarisa Christiansen said she refused to exit her car until Border Patrol explained why they wanted to search her vehicle. That’s when she said she was threatened with a Taser

“He opens up my door and he says, ‘Ma’am, do I need to tase you to get you out of your vehicle?'” Chistiansen recounts. “I was like, ‘No, you don’t need to do that. You’re acting ridiculous. Why did you even pull me over?'”

She says an agent then pulled out a knife and threatened to cut her seatbelt.

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