Since When is an Apple Pie a Federal Crime?

By Allan Lengel

Since when is an apple pie — a symbol of Americana–  a federal crime?

Well, a federal jury in Grand Rapids, Mi., has indicted two people for hitting Sen. Carl Levin (D-Mi.) with an apple pie during a visit to a cafe in the Michigan town of Big Rapids, Wood 8 TV reported.

Ahlam Mohsen and Max Kantar, both 23, are charged with working together to assault Levin on Aug. 16 as he met with constituents at the cafe, Wood 8 reported. One read a statement and the other delivered the pie.

The two were charged with forcible assault and for aiding and abetting each other in the assault. The charges carry a maximum sentence of eight years in prison.

U.S. Attorney Donald Davis of Grand Rapids said in a statement: “My office will vigorously enforce the laws that ensure the leaders we freely choose in open elections can meet with their constituents to exchange views without fear of assault and physical reprisal.”

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