Whistleblower Protections to Be Expanded for FBI Agents, Employees Who Report Internal Misconduct

By Steve Neavling

The Justice Department outlined new changes that will make it easier for agents and employees of the FBI to blow the whistle on misconduct within the bureau, the Wall Street Journal reports.

The idea is to ensure complaints are handled swiftly and fairly.

President Obama directed the rule change in 2012 following complaints that whistleblower aren’t properly protected.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, a long-time critic of how the FBI handles internal complaints, said he pleased with the changes.

“Nobody’s got on rose-colored glasses that the culture for whistleblowers at the FBI will change anytime soon, but many of the items outlined in the FBI’s analysis are promising,’’ he said in a statement. “In an agency with so much focus on the chain of command, it makes no sense for the FBI to be the only agency in the federal government not to protect disclosures of waste, fraud, and abuse to immediate supervisors.”

The FBI didn’t comment immediately on the changes.

One thought on “Whistleblower Protections to Be Expanded for FBI Agents, Employees Who Report Internal Misconduct

  1. Which brings us back to the brave FBI whistleblower in Milwaukee: does his former
    boss still enjoy her promotion ?

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